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#ifndef __presto__parallel_h__
#define __presto__parallel_h__
/* $Copyright: $
* Copyright (c) 1984, 1985, 1986 Sequent Computer Systems, Inc.
* All rights reserved
* This software is furnished under a license and may be used
* only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
* inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
* be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
* other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
* hereby transferred.
/* $Header: /crg2/bruces2/rbk/C++/Presto/src/RCS/parallel.h,v 1.2 88/03/24 09:52:47 rbk Exp $
* parallel.h
* Definitions for use in parallel, shared-memory programs.
/* $Log: parallel.h,v $
* 90/01/14 jef
* HC_Spinlock fails sporadically when 16 processors are contending for a
* lock. Visual inspection of code in hc_slock_asm.h SEEMS to indicate an
* 'off-by-1' problem - the private lock data is in x [procid][16] in an
* array indexed [p][16] (i.e., the private lock data is *ACTUALLY* dealt
* with in x [procid +1 ][0]!!). Everything would still work fine, except
* for processor 16, whose private data would be found one byte off the end
* of the array (and when that byte changes value, processor 16 gets the
* lock, even if it shouldn't have!). Modifying the hc_slock_t structure
* to be [procs][17] seems to solve the problem - however, the real
* problem is in the code and/or comments in hc_slock_asm.h.
* 89/12/28 jef
* Add support for a second type of spinlock which works well in
* high lock contention situations (after original by raj).
* Revision 1.2 88/03/24 09:52:47 rbk
* #ifdef ns32000 around ALM fuss. Can't use system version of this file
* since C++ doesn't understand asm-functions yet.
* Revision 1.1 88/03/22 15:26:42 rbk
* Initial revision
#ifdef sequent
#ifdef i386
* Data structure for regular spinlock.
* A "lock" is a byte of memory, initialized to zero (unlocked).
typedef unsigned char slock_t;
* Data structure for high-contention spinlock based on queueing.
* In a regular spinlock, all threads requesting the lock spin, performing
* test-and-set operations on a single shared memory location. The
* resulting cache invalidation traffic quickly saturates the bus with
* only a small number of spinning processors, impacting the performance
* of the thread holding the lock (by interfering with it's ability to
* access memory) and causing a rapid falloff in performance.
* The queue-based spinlock is designed to eliminate this problem. Threads
* spin on a private location instead of a shared location, eliminating the
* cache invalidation traffic. To release a lock, the thread holding the
* lock simply sets the private location that the next waiter is spinning on
* (in this case no atomic instruction is needed).
* Since a spinning thread does not relinquish it's processor, the
* lock data structure need only support NUMPROCS threads. In this
* implementation, the DYNIX process id (from getpid ()) of the requesting
* thread is used to index into the lock data structure. Processor ids
* are converted to range from 1 to NUMPROCS (as opposed to 0 to NUMPROCS-1
* as in PRESTO). Row 0 of the array is reserved for use in indicating the
* identity of the last requestor of the lock. It also stores a copy of
* the last requestor's private data area.
* The private location which each processor spins on while it waits to
* acquire the lock is (supposedly) located at x [last_procid] [15], i.e.,
* it spins on the private location of the last processor which requested
* the lock (NOTE: from the code in hc_slock_asm.h, I believe this
* location is ACTUALLY x [last_procid] [*16*], which is why I increased
* the length of each row to 17 (jef)). I believe that the extra
* 15 bytes in each row are used to force each private location into a
* separate cache line on the 386, thus eliminating extra cache coherency
* traffic when a private location is set by a releasing lock holder.
* See comments in hc_slock_asm.h for more details.
typedef struct hc_slock_t { unsigned char x[HC_S_LOCK_SIZE][17]; };
#endif /* 386 */
#endif /* sequent */
#define L_UNLOCKED 0
#define L_LOCKED 1
* Was a conditional lock request granted (L_SUCCESS) or denied (L_FAILED)
#define L_FAILED 0
#define L_SUCCESS 1
* A "barrier" allows multiple processes to synchronize by having
* all of them exit the barrier construct simultaneously.
* This version assumes <= 255 processes, fits in one 4-byte integer,
* and is based on spin-locks.
typedef struct {
slock_t b_mutex; /* mutual exclusion */
unsigned char b_limit; /* number participants */
unsigned char b_count; /* state counter */
unsigned char b_useno; /* current use # (state flag) */
} sbarrier_t; /* 's' for "spin"-barrier */
/* other useful declarations
extern caddr_t sbrk(int);
extern char *shmalloc(unsigned);
extern caddr_t shsbrk(caddr_t);
* Convenience definitions.
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
* Various globally used data.
extern int errno;
extern int _shm_fd; /* fd for shared data mapped file */
#ifdef ns32000
extern char *_alm_base; /* virt addr of mapped ALM's */
#endif /* ns32000 */
extern int _pgoff; /* getpagesize() - 1 */
* PGRND() rounds up a value to next page boundary.
#define PGRND(x) (char *) (((int)(x) + _pgoff) & ~_pgoff)
#endif /* __presto__parallel_h__ */